============================ Validating a Metadata Record ============================ To ensure metadata adheres to the FGDC standard, we can evaluate the syntax and the content. The Metadata Wizard handles the syntax validation, but the quality of the content requires an individual to validate accuracy of the content. Examples of items that can be flagged as syntax errors can include the following: - missing content in required fields - incorrectly formatted items - values outside an acceptable range - other violations These errors can be identified directly in the tool by clicking **Run Validation** in the Validation item on the menu bar. The record will be validated and a message box will notify the user of the number of errors found. |image0| The items that are causing validation errors will be highlighted in red on the Metadata Wizard. |image1| A second window will display a list of all the errors found. Clicking on one of the errors will take the user to the tab/section that contains the error and outline it in black. Keep in mind that some errors might be hidden until the user scrolls up or down in the application, or selects the appropriate tab. |image2| Potential Spelling errors within relevant text boxes will be highlighted in red with a yellow background. |image3| This functionality can be turned ON or OFF by clicking the Turn Spelling (ON | OFF) item in the validation menu. |image4| .. |image0| image:: ../img/run_validation.png .. |image1| image:: ../img/highlighted_errors.png .. |image2| image:: ../img/error_screenshot.png .. |image3| image:: ../img/spelling_highlights.png .. |image4| image:: ../img/TurnOnOffSpelling.png